Exporting Asset Packages
Now that your 3D assets are ready to export Vyking Studio gives you the possibility to export a packages and allows then to be loaded into your Android and iOS apps over the air.
By simply clicking "Export Android" or "Export iOS" in the top menu, you will be able to download a ZIP file with all of your 3D assets.
Export Android
When pressing “Export Android” it compiles all the models and occluders (.glb files) along with a json file which contains all the metadata associated with the scene.
Please note that you can Import previuously made android asset packages into Vyking Studio
Export iOS
When pressing “Export iOS” it compiles all the models and occluders (.glb files) along with a json file which contains all the metadata associated with the scene and sends to Vyking's glb-to-usdz conversion API. The conversion API converts all the .glb models and occluders in the package into .usdz models and exports an iOS zip package.
Please note that you cannot import a iOS package into Vyking Studio
Also please note that as the iOS export involves an API call it may take some time to export - generally around 5-10 seconds depending on internet speed and model files sizes
Logger Status
Please see the Logger to see the status of the export. The Logger will give a description of any errors encoundered when exporting the packages.